Waly Dia : Une heure à tuer

Entertainment/recreation The Halle of Martigues Show One man Show / One woman show Comic
Place : La Halle de Martigues
  • Waly Dia à La Halle de Martigues
Ville de Martigues
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Phone : +33 4 42 42 31 10
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La Halle de Martigues
Rond point de l'hôtel de ville
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


Incisive, committed humour about recent events. After the triumph of his show "Ensemble ou rien", Waly Dia will be presenting his new show "Une heure à tuer" at La Halle de Martigues. Download the seating plan below.
Hard-hitting, acidic punchlines and a flow rate of 7.4 words per second.
Written and performed by Waly Dia.
Text: Mickael Quiroga.
Opening period (s)Saturday 10 May 2025 at 8 pm.
Facilities, services, amenities
  • Sitra promotion typology :
    • Indoor


Adult: 35 to 55 €.


Rond point de l'hôtel de ville
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.405064
Longitude : 5.046867