Legal notice

By browsing the pages of the site, the user acknowledges having read and accepted the limits of liability and the conditions of use of the site. The Internet user accepts the limitations offered by the Internet network in the consultation of the pages of the site. The Martigues Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for difficulties in connecting to the Internet network or viewing the pages of the site. The Internet user acknowledges, in particular, being informed of the differences in the interpretation of Internet pages by the different navigation software on the market.

Site editor
Local Public Company for Tourism and Events in the Pays de Martigues
Martigues Tourist Office
Quai des Anglais 13500 Martigues
Such. (33) 4 42 42 31 10 -
Siret 751 338 971 00037 - Code APE 7990Z - Atout France IM013130018
SPL with capital of €150,000 - RCS Aix-en-Provence 2012 B 957

Publication Director
Didier Cerboni, director of the Martigues Tourist Office
Site design and hosting
This site was designed and is hosted by the Ingénie web agency for the Martigues Tourist Office.
It is updated daily by the "Development of Digital Tourism" division of the Martigues Tourist Office.
The reservation system is also managed by the company Ingénie - 210, rue des Sept Laux - 38570 Le Cheylas (France). Such. (33) 4 38 72 91 00.

Photo credits
Reminder: the reproduction, use, exploitation of the photographs published on the website of the Martigues Tourist Office are prohibited without the prior consent of their author.

Otmartigues - SergeT
Otmartigues - KarimK
Otmartigues - MyriamF
Otmartigues - VictoriaG
Otmartigues - EstelleBc
Otmartigues - MelindaC
Otmartigues - FBuschardt-CM
Otmartigues - CecileK
Otmartigues - EmmanuelleP
Otmartigues - LMartin
Otmartigues - NicolasB
Otmartigues - FDelena - Fmunos
Otmartigues - CarolineN
Otmartigues - DMP - CM
Otmartigues - GXuereb
Otmartigues - JLAProducation
Otmartigues - BNN
Otmartigues - Watersports13

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> General conditions of use of the site and the services offered
Use of the site implies acceptance of the general conditions of use described. These terms of use are subject to change at any time. Consequently, we invite you to refer to it regularly in order to become acquainted with it.
→ The general conditions of sale are accessible on this page.

> Object of the site
This site is that of the Martigues Tourist Office. Its purpose is to provide relevant and up-to-date information on tourism and leisure in Martigues and to improve the general commercial presentation of the tourist offers of the Martigues destination. It also makes it possible to connect, in a totally independent way, users and tourism professionals.

> Limitations and technical data
The Martigues Tourist Office strives to offer permanent access to the site, i.e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, access to the site may be suspended at any time and without notice, in particular because breakdowns, failures or paralysis of the network, as well as due to maintenance and corrections made necessary by the updating and proper functioning of the site. The user undertakes not to hinder access to the site and/or the proper functioning of the site in any way whatsoever, likely to damage, intercept, interfere with all or part of the site.

The Martigues Tourist Office cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage due to an interruption, malfunction of any kind, suspension or discontinuation of the site and/or services, and this for any reason whatsoever or for any direct or indirect damage resulting in any way from access to the site and/or services.

The Martigues Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for elements beyond its control and for damage that may possibly be suffered by the user's technical environment and in particular, his computers, software, network equipment and any other material. used to access or use the Site and/or Services. It is recalled that the act of accessing or remaining fraudulently in a computer system, of hindering or distorting the operation of such a system, of fraudulently introducing or modifying data in a computer system constitute offenses punishable criminal penalties.

Access to the website is free. The costs of access and use of the telecommunications network are the responsibility of the customer, according to the terms set by its access providers and telecommunications operators.

> Intellectual Property
The Martigues Tourist Office owns or holds the rights to all the elements that make up this site, in particular the texts, data, drawings, graphics, photos and downloadable documents. All rights, including in particular exploitation rights, reproduction and extraction rights on any medium, of all or part of the data, files and all elements appearing on the web pages of this site, as well as the rights of representation and reproduction on any medium, of all or part of the site itself, the rights of modification, adaptation or translation, are reserved exclusively for the Tourist Office of Martigues, - and its possible beneficiaries - and this, subject to the pre-existing rights of third parties having authorized the digital reproduction and/or integration into this site, by the Martigues Tourist Office, of their works of any kind whatsoever.

Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of the content of this site by any process whatsoever without the express prior authorization of the Martigues Tourist Office is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335 - 2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The reproduction of the texts and web pages of the site on a paper medium remains exclusively prohibited without the prior written authorization of the Tourist Office of Martigues. Copies of the documents contained in this site may only be made for information purposes and exclusively for strictly private use. Any other reproduction or use of copies for other purposes is expressly prohibited.

The trademarks of the Site Editor and its partners, as well as the corporate names and logos appearing on the site are protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or these logos, made from elements of the site without the express authorization of the Martigues Tourist Office or its assignees is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of Article L. 713 - 2 of the Code and Intellectual Property. All elements of this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button graphics, images and photos, sound clips, software, database, site ergonomics are the property of Martigues Tourist Office. These elements are protected by French law and international laws for the protection of intellectual property. The code, layout, assembly of all or part of an element of this site is the exclusive property of the Martigues Tourist Office.

> Content and information
The Martigues Tourist Office website provides content provided for information purposes. This information is provided as is, regardless of its origin. The responsibility of the Martigues Tourist Office cannot be held liable for inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information published on its site. Prices are given for information only.

The Martigues Tourist Office reserves the right to modify the content of this site at any time and without notice. The user is solely responsible for any decision taken on the basis of information contained on the site, and for the use that may be made of it. Any user wishing to benefit from one or more of the services presented on the site is invited to contact the Martigues Tourist Office directly to find out about the conditions applicable to this (or these) service(s).

Access to the services presented on the site may be subject to restrictions with regard to certain persons or in certain countries. It is up to any interested user to check beforehand that his situation allows him to use the services presented on the site.

> Limitation of liability
The Martigues Tourist Office declines any guarantee or responsibility for the information, specific or general, accessible on the site. This information is given for information only. The transactions carried out through the site are the sole responsibility of the user's relationship with tourism professionals.

The Martigues Tourist Office cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible, for any reason whatsoever, for the services being linked and, where applicable, for the transactions, for their quality and their content whatsoever and any information communicated by any supplier in relation to the services. The Martigues Tourist Office does not guarantee or vouch for solvency or compliance with commitments, the quality of services or their compliance. As a result, the Martigues Tourist Office cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for the provision of services for any prejudice, whatever it may be, suffered, if necessary, by any user.

> Computers and freedoms
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended by Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to the personal data you conversing. See our Confidentiality and privacy page.

> Cookies, IT and freedom
The user is informed that, during his visits to the site, a "cookie" (connection witness in the form of a small file sent to the hard drive of the user's computer) may be automatically installed and stored temporarily in memory or on its hard disk. Site users acknowledge having been informed of this practice and authorize the Martigues Tourist Office to use it.

The Internet user can oppose the registration of these cookies by configuring the browser installed on his system, to be notified of the arrival of a cookie and to be able to refuse it.

The "cookies" used on this site and, possibly, other captures of environment variables, management of audit files and opening of the directory of temporary internet files (cache), will only be used for the sole purpose of analysis and optimization of the site by the Martigues Tourist Office, which undertakes not to make any other use of it.

> Links Policy - Conditions for setting up a link with
1. A link to the site can only be set up with our agreement.
2. The use of a link can only be granted to sites having a relationship with tourism, activities relating to tourism, search engines, as well as sites referring to Martigues and its villages (La Couronne, Carro, Saint-Julien-les-Martigues, Saint-Pierre-les-Martigues).
3. Requests for links to our site must be made by e-mail to
4. The sites using a link with our site must keep us informed of important developments and changes to their content, and, if necessary, of the removal of this link.
5. The Tourist Office of Martigues reserves the right to revoke its link authorization at any time, without having to specify the reason to the site concerned.

Any establishment of hypertext links involves:

1. Do not use the "deep linking" technique, i.e. the pages of the Martigues Tourist Office site must not be nested inside the pages of a another site, but accessible by opening a window.
2. Mention the source which will point via a hypertext link directly to the targeted content.
3. Must not make the site appear to be its own, distort the content of the target site, refrain from clearly indicating that the user is being directed to

> Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
The Martigues Tourist Office may rely as proof of any act, programs, data, files, recordings, operations and other elements (such as monitoring reports or other statements) of nature or in computer or electronic format or medium, drawn up, received or kept directly or indirectly by the Martigues Tourist Office.

Applicable law
The use of this site, and of the services, is governed by French law, with the exception of any other legislation, regardless of the place of use.

Attribution of jurisdiction
In the event of a dispute, and if no amicable settlement succeeds, the Martigues Tourist Office and the user will defer to the competent courts of its registered office, to which they expressly grant jurisdiction, including in summary proceedings and multiple defendants.