Tourist Office and Convention Bureau

Tourist Information Office Water sports Pedestrian sports Hiking Fauna - flora Environment Botanical Discovery Tradition/folklore History Arts Arts and culture Cycle sports Mountain biking Cycle touring Cycling Electric-assisted bike Electric-assisted mountain bike Various sports Gymnastics Boules Gyropod electrically powered scooter Fitness Yoga Well-being Mechanical sports Motorbiking Climbing sports Climbing Architecture Gastronomy Oenology, study of wines Regional products
  • Détail de l'entrée
  • Façade Office de Tourisme Canebière
  • Façade
  • Hall d'accueil
Détail de l'entréeFaçade Office de Tourisme CanebièreFaçadeHall d'accueil


Located at 11, la Canebière, close to the Vieux Port, it enjoys a privileged position in the heart of the city, accessible by the Vieux Port metro station and numerous buses.
The Marseilles Convention and Visitors Bureau is located at 4, La Canebière, close to the Vieux Port. It benefits from an ideal location in the heart of the city. It is right next to the Vieux Port metro station and is served by numerous buses (whelchair access, pets admitted).
Its missions : to welcome and inform tourists, to promote the City's tourism activities, to federate tourism professionals, to participate in projects to develop tourism or create tourist structures in the city, to commercialise products for tourists, to present its actions, and facilitate access to its services, to inform the general public, and propose links with its partners, to increase its audience.
Accessible for disabled
Opening period (s)All year round between 9 am and 6 pm.
Labels, Chains, Guides
  • National :
    • Qualité Tourisme™
General information
  • Environments :
    • Close to pleasure port
  • Services :
    • Pets welcome
  • Help for client/booking :
    • Help for client/booking
    • Help for client/booking
    • Help for client/booking
  • Water sports :
    • Sailing
    • Swimming
    • Snorkelling
    • Webbed walk
  • provider accreditation :
    • Conference guide
  • Creative pastimes :
    • Plastic arts
    • Creative hobbies
  • Sustainable development :
    • Sustainable development
    • Waste management
    • Label sustainable development
    • ISO 20121
Facilities, services, amenities
  • Help for client/practical :
    • Wi-fi
    • Help for client/practical
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French sign language
  • "Tourism & Disability" Certification :
    • Hearing disability
    • Mental disability
    • Physical disability
    • Visual disability
Tourist Office and Convention Bureau
11 La Canebière
mail / message
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Your Contact Details
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 of the National Committee for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL) with regard to computing, files and liberties (article 36), the interested party is entitled to ask for his/her personal information to be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, elapsed or in respect of which it is forbidden to use, disseminate or store said information. Should you wish to exercise this right, please specify the fact in the form above.
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • English
    • French
    • Italian
    • Spanish


Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
11 La Canebière
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.295306
Longitude : 5.374509