Cycling along the ViaRhôna
Interdepartmental, Interdepartmental, Interdepartmental Cycling sports Cycle tourism route Tourist itineraryItinéraire

Departure : Van Gogh Bridge, Arles.
Arrival : Napoléon Beach, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône.
3 km from the Tourist Office of Arles, take the bike path that leads to the Van Gogh Bridge. (See "Recommendations")
Parking : Parking au Pont Van Gogh, Arles.
Arrival : Napoléon Beach, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône.
3 km from the Tourist Office of Arles, take the bike path that leads to the Van Gogh Bridge. (See "Recommendations")
Parking : Parking au Pont Van Gogh, Arles.
Travel by VTC the last stretch of the ViaRhôna, along the Rhone River between Arles and the Mediterranean Sea.
From the Van Gogh Bridge, head towards the bike lane towards Port-Saint-Louis Mas-Thibert. Go along the canal from Arles to Bouc This route is an old railway line rehabilitated.
1 - In Mas-Thibert, continue straight, follow the sign ViaRhôna.
VARIANT : At Mas-Thibert, turn left, cross the bridge and then turn right towards the Vigueirat marsh. Continue on the bike path. In the Vigueirat Marshes, return to the village of Mas-Thibert. Retreat the bridge and head to the left. Follow the ViaRhôna.
2 - At the wind turbines, continue to the right and continue until the D35.
3 - At the intersection with the D35, turn left and turn right towards Salin-de-Giraud.
4 - At the Barcarin ferry boat, take the foot of the dike on the left. Follow this path for 4 km along the Bois François area.
5 - On arrival at Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, pass the barrier then take the path on the right. Follow the indications "parcours santé" Bois François along the banks of the Rhone. Follow the main path.
6 - At the intersection, take the path that goes to the right.
7 - Arrived on the Abri du Rhône port, along the banks of the Rhône (picnic areas) to the Tour Saint-Louis (which houses the Tourist Office).
8 - Take the path on the right after the Tourist Office. Cross the small blue bridge and go to the first street on the right towards Napoléon beach. Continue along the Anatole France Avenue along the Rhone and continue straight on Napoleon Road for 6.5 km to the beach.
1 - In Mas-Thibert, continue straight, follow the sign ViaRhôna.
VARIANT : At Mas-Thibert, turn left, cross the bridge and then turn right towards the Vigueirat marsh. Continue on the bike path. In the Vigueirat Marshes, return to the village of Mas-Thibert. Retreat the bridge and head to the left. Follow the ViaRhôna.
2 - At the wind turbines, continue to the right and continue until the D35.
3 - At the intersection with the D35, turn left and turn right towards Salin-de-Giraud.
4 - At the Barcarin ferry boat, take the foot of the dike on the left. Follow this path for 4 km along the Bois François area.
5 - On arrival at Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, pass the barrier then take the path on the right. Follow the indications "parcours santé" Bois François along the banks of the Rhone. Follow the main path.
6 - At the intersection, take the path that goes to the right.
7 - Arrived on the Abri du Rhône port, along the banks of the Rhône (picnic areas) to the Tour Saint-Louis (which houses the Tourist Office).
8 - Take the path on the right after the Tourist Office. Cross the small blue bridge and go to the first street on the right towards Napoléon beach. Continue along the Anatole France Avenue along the Rhone and continue straight on Napoleon Road for 6.5 km to the beach.
Difficulté = Easy
Practical information
- Route :
- Distance (km) : 54.99
- Daily duration (minutes) : 150
- Route : Aller / Itinerance
- Route : 26
- Delicate passages :
- L'itinéraire est à parcourir de préférence avec un vélo de ville ou un vélo tout chemin (VTC). Pour se rendre au Pont Van Gogh : - A 3 km de l'Office de Tourisme d'Arles. Dos à l'Office de tourisme, s'engager à gauche, suivre Port-Saint-Louis par l'avenue Sadi Carnot puis au rond point après le pont, suivre Pont de Van Gogh. Au feu, prendre à gauche puis au bout de la rue Philippe Lebon, s'orienter vers la droite. - Ou à vélo, dos à l'Office de tourisme, prendre à gauche et suiv
- Park :
- Park
Tour Saint Louis - Quai Bonnardel