The secrets of Calen: traditional fishing and tasting of Poutargue

  • Les secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de Poutargue
  • Les secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de Poutargue
  • Les secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de Poutargue
  • Les secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de Poutargue
  • Lieu de rendez-vous
Les secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de PoutargueLes secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de PoutargueLes secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de PoutargueLes secrets du Calen : pêche traditionnelle et dégustation de PoutargueLieu de rendez-vous


On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2024, immerse yourself in a centuries-old tradition with our exclusive visit to one of the last Calen in France, where the art of traditional fishing is combined with Mediterranean delicacies. In the company of passionate fishermen, you will have the unique opportunity to discover this ancient fishing technique preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

Calen, a living heritage
Much more than a simple method of capture, Calen is a know-how that respects the rhythms of nature and the well-kept secrets of the sea. The fishermen, heirs to this tradition, will reveal the mysteries of this delicate and complex fishing, explaining each step of the installation of these ingenious nets that float on the waters.

The sea in your mouth
The visit continues with a tasting that will delight your taste buds: Poutargue. Nicknamed the "caviar of the Mediterranean", Bottarga is an exceptional product, the result of meticulous know-how and infinite patience. Made from salted and dried mullet eggs, it reveals an intense and iodized flavor, to be savored slowly to appreciate all its subtleties.

You will also have the privilege of tasting the bottarga mullet fillets, carefully prepared by the Calen fishermen. Their delicate and fragrant flesh is the perfect reflection of the Mediterranean terroir and the ancestral know-how that goes with it.

On-site sales depending on the catch of the day.
Practical information
  • Schedule :
    • Start time : 10h
    • End time : 12h
  • Date(s) :
    • The visit takes place 22 September 2024
  • By reservation :
    • Yes
  • Place of departure :
    • Meeting point indicated on your reservation
  • Prices :
    • Single price : 12 €
  • Tour is currently closed :
    • Full
  • Disabled :
    • Visite non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite


Conditions of saleWe advise you to bring a cooler for any purchases of fish or other items.
Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the service.

Cancellation conditions: if a customer cannot attend the tour, it will not be refunded or postponed. Only the cancellation of the tour by the organizers due to an insufficient number of participants or other reasons could lead to a possible refund or postponement. No refund will be granted to late customers.


Avenue de la paix
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.40335
Longitude : 5.04478