Histoire(s) de France

Cultural Théâtre des Salins Theater Modern/contemporary art
Place : Théâtre des Salins
  • Histoire(s) de France
Théâtre des Salins
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Théâtre des Salins
19 quai Paul Doumer
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


Born to Algerian parents, Amine Adjina, French author, director and actor, has never stopped exploring his relationship with France and its history.
Passionate about the way it is taught, he puts events of the past into perspective to approach the present. In Histoire(s) de France, he turns the school into a real playground by choosing three emblematic periods from prehistory to the 98 World Cup!

A teacher tries to teach history differently. She asks students to choose a moment in French history and replay it in front of others. One of his students, Arthur, decides to attack the Gauls. He takes two comrades with him. This is where the problems start. How to talk about the Gauls? Who can play? And what roles? Especially since others want to discuss other subjects. With humor, Histoire(s) de France questions our relationship to identity, play and stories with or without H.
Opening period (s)Tuesday 25 February 2025 between 7 pm and 8.15 pm.
Practical information
  • Services :
    • 10 yrs old min
Facilities, services, amenities
  • Sitra promotion typology :
    • Indoor
  • Adapted offers :
    • Children
  • Accessible tourism :
    • Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities
  • Accessibility criteria for people with reduced mobility :
    • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
    • Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site
    • Absence of protrusions > 2 cm


One price: 8 to 12 €.
  • Payment methods :
    • Bank/credit card
    • Cash


19 quai Paul Doumer
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.407136
Longitude : 5.051406