Flâneries au Miroir stage show

Cultural Bel été martégal Show Lyrical arts Fashion
Place : Théâtre de verdure de Brise-Lames
  • Spectacle nocturne
Spectacle nocturne
Association Masques Vénitiens de France
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Théâtre de verdure de Brise-Lames
Place des Aires
Pointe brise-lames
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


Live performance as part of the Flâneries au Miroir festival, at the Théâtre de Verdure in the Ferrières district of Martigues town centre.
Come to Martigues for a costumed parade of the most beautiful Venetian masked people in France. In music, the show will be enhanced by the voices of tenor Sergio Conti Cerutti, soprano Sherrie Grieve and singer Camilla Lodini.
Opening period (s)Saturday 7 September 2024 at 6.30 pm.
Practical information
  • Environments :
    • In centre of town
Facilities, services, amenities
  • Sitra promotion typology :
    • Open air
  • Accessible tourism :
    • Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities


Free of charge.


Place des Aires
Pointe brise-lames
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.406894
Longitude : 5.058864
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