Parc marin de la Côte Bleue

  • Sur la Côte Bleue
  • La Côte Bleue
  • Plongée dans la Côte Bleue
Sur la Côte BleueLa Côte BleuePlongée dans la Côte Bleue


"La Côte bleue", near Marseille, is a splendid sea where the blue of the water collides with the green of the pines clinging to the rocks.
This coast offers a very contrasting landscape from east to west. The creeks and coves are sometimes home to beaches frequented in summer by the Marseillais and Aixois, thanks to the TER which uses the magnificent railway line connecting Marseille to Miramas. Since 1983, a Marine Park has stretched over 15,000 ha in front of the 28 kilometers of the Côte Bleue stretching from Anse des Laurons in the west to the tip of Corbières in the east. This original and unique structure in France brings together the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regional council, the Bouches du Rhône departmental council, and the 5 municipalities of the Côte Bleue (Martigues, Sausset-les-Pins, Carry-le- Rouet, Ensuès-la-Redonne and le Rove), the professional fishing organizations of Martigues and Marseille.
The objectives of the park, directly inspired by those of the Regional Natural Parks, are to protect the natural marine heritage of the Blue Coast, participate in better management of fishing resources, and better understand and make known the marine heritage.

The Côte Bleue Marine Park manages all the artificial reefs submerged in front of the coast as well as two fully protected marine reserves, one in Carry-le-Rouet (85 ha) and the other in Cap-Couronne (210 ha). Fishing, anchoring and scuba diving are prohibited there in order to allow the flora and fauna to regenerate. These marine reserves are home to an exceptional underwater wealth that can be easily observed in Carry-le-Rouet.
Activities to raise awareness and inform the public of the Marine Park are organized throughout the year: animation of guided surface tours in the Carry-le-Rouet marine reserve, hosting of sea classes intended for all primary schools on the Blue Coast, fun workshops around marine life, "Ecogestes" campaign for boaters, exhibitions, conferences ...
Although yachting occupies an important place on this coast, professional artisanal fishing remains one of the strong activities of this coast. In all the ports of the Côte Bleue, it offers daily entertainment very popular with residents and tourists.

Le Parc Marin de La Côte Bleue (The Côte Bleue Marine Park) has been inscribed since November 24, 2018 on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Green List of Protected Areas. This distinction is attributed to protected areas that meet several standards for effective management and local governance

Opening period (s)All year round.
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Parc marin de la Côte Bleue
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Parc marin de la Côte Bleue
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.3274
Longitude : 5.12074
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