
Historic site and monument
The Martigues lifting bridge was built in 1929, it replaces the swing bridge connecting the Ile district to that of Jonquières. Although it is not ...
  • Art collection :
    • Engineering structure
    • Bridge
Historic site and monument
The two blue bridges which connect the Ferrières district to the Island have had a long history since they replaced two previous bridges doomed to ...
  • Art collection :
    • Engineering structure
    • Bridge
Historic site and monument
The Caronte railway viaduct is the most important engineering structure on the railway line linking Miramas to Marseille since it must be fixed to ...
  • Art collection :
    • Engineering structure
    • Bridge
Historic site and monument
The motorway viaduct allows the A55 to cross the Caronte canal. It is a complex work built from 1968 and put into service in August 1972.
  • Art collection :
    • Engineering structure
    • Bridge