Editions Gaussen - Book "Martigues 14-18" by Nicolas Balique

  • Editions Gaussen - Book
  • Editions Gaussen - Book
  • Editions Gaussen - Book
Editions Gaussen - Book Editions Gaussen - Book Editions Gaussen - Book
20.00 €
Martigues in 1914: a small town in the South of 7500 inhabitants. Among them some 1,200 mobilized men, nearly 200 of whom never returned to their homes. Most of them young people, left for a war they thought would be short, all were confronted with a conflict of unimaginable violence... Who were these fishermen, mobilized peasants, employees or workers? How did the population of Martigues experience their absence from the rear? What were the consequences for the city of a war that was to be "the last of the ders"? municipal archives, those of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, sources from the Ministry of Defense and private funds, this book retraces, at ground level, that is to say the trenches where the soldiers lived in hiding or the deck of the ships on which the sailors served, the Great War as it was experienced by the mobilized martegals.

Paperback - Illustrated.
Released October 18, 2018.
By Nicolas Balique.