Book : Alexander's forgiveness by J.C Di Ruocco

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  • Editions Feed back - Livre
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16.90 €
Poet, author of science fiction and novels, the action of J.C Di Ruocco's novels are generally located in Martigues. J.C lives there and also spent his childhood there. Discover this Martigues author, so the book is on sale at the Martigues Tourist Office.

Le pardon d'Alexandre
Decimo Calanzano, known as the Calabrian, was found in the Martigues channel. Everyone thought he had twenty years left to serve for the murder of Catherine Faradet, and no one expected him to be mentioned again, especially not Alexandre who, ten years earlier, had sworn in court that he would kill him. 
Captain Vincent Marcange is entrusted with the investigation, which soon turns out to be more complex than expected. Vendetta, drug trafficking, prostitution, revenge, political scheming, suicide - the detective will have to follow one lead after another. 
But for the time being, Marcange has only one certainty: he must get out of the cesspit into which the case is dragging him as quickly as possible, because all the lives that have come close to Calanzano's are in ruins... 

308 pages
Author: Jean Claude DI RUOCCO
Publisher: Editions Feed back
Year : 2023