Atelier Baie - Book History and stories of the Martégal country Volume 4

  • Cover of the book 'History and Stories of the Martigues Area, Volume 4', an illustrated work highlighting the history of Martigues.
  • Illustration of the cover of Volume 4 of the Martigues Tales, exploring the traditions and culture of the Martigues region.
Cover of the book 'History and Stories of the Martigues Area, Volume 4', an illustrated work highlighting the history of Martigues.Illustration of the cover of Volume 4 of the Martigues Tales, exploring the traditions and culture of the Martigues region.
10.00 €
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One Tuesday a month, the City of Martigues organises meetings on the history and evolution of the Martigues territory. Whether it is based on archival documents or through the presentation of sites and monuments in the field, researchers and specialists share with the public the results of their most recent work. This fourth volume publishes a selection based on these lectures given between 2013 and 2019. From history to landscape, from archaeology to urban planning: the approaches are multiple. This book, with its meticulous iconography, aims to bring scientific research on the region to the public.

224 pages
Book written under the direction of Alexis Bonnet, librarian, responsible for publications of the Art, History and Archaeology department of the City of Martigues and by Magali Gouiran, chief heritage curator, responsible for the City of Art, History and Archaeology department of the City of Martigues.
Edition: Atelier Baie. Year 2023
Format: 21.4 x 21.4 x 1.3 cm. Weight: 720g.
ISBN 978-2-919208-73-9